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Shaping of Her Personality

Carving a Strong Persona

Speaking has always been a part of Juliana’s life since her childhood days. As a child, she was always in the leading role amongst her peers representing her class in events, initiating, and participating in every activity with her unparalleled enthusiasm. These innate traits eliminated all her fears of public speaking and drove away any insecurities, which led her even into mastering corporate communication, public
relations, and diplomacy.

On completion of her Bachelor’s Degree in Agriculture, she was awarded a scholarship to pursue a Master’s Degree in Agricultural and Applied Economics, majoring in International Trade and Policy Analysis.

Overcoming Challenges

Juliana was the first to complete and graduate in the pioneer program of the prestigious Collaborative Master’s of Science for Eastern and Southern Africa program. Upon her graduation and being the first student to complete the program within a set target, opportunities came her way to pursue further studies at a PhD level, But, unfortunately, she turned down two possible PhD offers just to conform to the cultural belief and myth of those days that a girl child should not be over-educated. Today, Juliana works hard in her engagements to debunk this myth when dealing with young girls and local audience facing similar dilemmas in life.

Just as many, Juliana has sailed through many challenges of life and every setback encountered along her path has been an inspiration and a re-assurance of the greatness lying underneath every storm. Any obstacle on her way has always become a stepping stone to rise to the next higher ground. Although Juliana is an accomplished trained economist and a career diplomat, her dreams remain rested in being a change agent, transforming and impacting lives at a bigger scale.

Destiny Finds Her

The leap to growth accelerated when she moved from the corporate world to become the first spokesperson for the Tobacco Industry for almost half a decade, a position she competently carried despite having no specialization in PR or communications. Being the spokesperson and being in the limelight came with ease to Juliana. Her strong academic background, her deep enthusiasm, passion, and drive helped her secure a record star performance for the entire period and made the job easy to carry and embody. Throughout this period, she embarked on sharpening her skills by attaining further qualifications in Corporate Relations and Public Relations Management.

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It didn’t take much time for her fierce persona to be tapped and chosen to be the next Executive Assistant to the President of the Republic of Malawi before being appointed to take up a diplomatic posting. Juliana didn’t start as a trained diplomat; rather she was a competent economist with robust experience in dealing with the public, corporate, heads of missions and governments, international bodies with multitudes of presence and involvement in multi-stakeholder dialogues. However, it is her self-belief, her attitude of giving in her best, and not being afraid to take on a new challenge coupled with a strong urge to excel despite setbacks is what brought her to where she is today. With a special training course in Foreign Service and Diplomacy and her delicate combination range of experiences and her academic accolades, Juliana remains among top serving diplomats with a strong passion for her country. Her knowledge, dynamic experience, and background in Economics put her at an advantage in handling economic diplomacy, negotiations, and facilitations at both bilateral and multilateral environments.

The Personal Side of Juliana

Her greatest inspiration was none other than her father who encouraged her to be the best she could ever be or imagine and made her believe that she could be anything in the world as long as she perceived it. He would always say to her, “That’s my girl. I know my girl; my girl never stops at nothing to get what she wants and pursue her dreams”.

In Juliana’s words, ““He would always cheer me, even in the toughest of times. This made me go for anything and take on every setback and challenge along my path”. “My father was fond of describing me as his ‘sophisticated’ daughter to all his friends because of my positive attitude towards life and was ever proud of every milestone in my life.”

Her Strength & Pride

Her children are her ultimate strengths and pride. As a mother, her advice to other parents is to allow their children to express themselves freely without exposing them to limiting beliefs and mental blockages. She adds, “Create an environment where they believe they are the best and they have the best”. She advises that every parent must strive to inculcate a deep sense of wholeness and self-belief in their children from a young age”. In her free time, Juliana loves to travel and spend quality time with her family.

Brimming with gratitude, Juliana believes nothing around us just happens, “Everything good around us from the smallest of things we see or experience to the biggest we may ever perceive has a purpose, and this lights up my world with grace and gratitude”.


Non–Academic Qualifications

  • Attained Specialized Professional Course in Diplomacy and Foreign Service
  • Attained Specialized Professional Training in Mastering the Art of Influencing
  • Certified Soft Skills Trainer from the Scottish Qualifications Board
  • Certified Trainer from NABET and ICBI
  • Certified Image Consultant from the Image Consulting Business Institute

Academic Qualifications

  • PhD Management – International Business at Sharda University (2018-date)
  • MSc Agricultural Economics – International Trade & Policy Analysis at Egerton University
  • BSc in Agriculture at University of Malawi, Bunda College
  • Certificate in Food and Agricultural Trade in Africa with the World Bank Institute
  • Policy Analysis and International Trade at the University of Pretoria
  • Public and Corporate Relations Management at OCMD-South Africa