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Her Purpose

“There is just one moment in life, take it before it’s gone. Live a purpose-driven life today, aspire today, inspire today. Don’t wait for tomorrow because no one is guaranteed another chance”.
~ Juliana

Reason behind Her Unshakable Belief

In her words, Juliana says, “If I could, why can’t you? If someone can, why not you? Everything out here is for us all; we are the takers; it’s here for us all. We have to believe in our vision and pursue whatever it is with passion and pride. Each one of us has a distinctive gift. It is one’s personal call to find it. Always remember, you are different, you are unique, you are special, and you are exceptional. Each one of us has something different, our experiences, gifts, talents, history, and backgrounds, which is simply unique to each one of us that no one can replicate. So be at peace with being who you are and ensure that you are simply the best at being YOU.”

Inspiring the World

When Juliana speaks with her impeccable power to influence, people listen – engrossed, captivated, with every cord touched. She never ceases to awe people with her speaking skills, confidence, and fearlessness. The only thing that bothers her is the limiting beliefs with which people restrict themselves due to predispositions such as race, gender, age, culture, background, education, etc.


Juliana believes, “The opportunities are limitless for everyone, and every dream is valid, no matter who you are. People who have arrived into the positions of power, influence, or affluence did become who they are through strategic positioning, hard work, and sheer belief. Therefore, dream as much as you can and reach for as high as you can because God created the universe with everything for everybody and all we got to do is believe, take the step and tap into it. We are, therefore, all equal players in this life with limitless opportunities. We need to open up our minds to the limitless possibilities and take our place and position”.

Living by Example

Being a woman, Juliana feels the independence of the mind of a woman provides a source of direction, a life of vision, mission, and of goals that harmoniously work together in all aspects of her life. Therefore, any vision-driven person cannot simply wake up and decide to drop all personal dreams and goals  to raise children, be with a spouse or take up an assignment while abandoning other core values of her life. Juliana believes in the wholeness of it all, everything is as important as the other in one’s life journey and ought to be part and parcel of the entire process of living. Whilst it is necessary to raise children, cultivate a rich family life of love and values, and serving in various capacity, it is important that everything gets aligned to that inner purpose and personal goal. The key element is to find the purpose and then build everything else around it brick by brick.

Words of Wisdom

Juliana instils in people a belief in themselves, their abilities, and their potential. She calls out to them, “Open your eyes, see! Life is not over yet; the journey is still on. Therefore, there is no time limit to achieve or reach for anything. As long as you are alive, all your dreams are still valid. There is still space for everything and everyone for as long as there is life; therefore get up and keep going!”

So to help you empower yourself, here’s one message from Juliana – “Self-love, clarity, and being comfortable with oneself is the key. Once you have found it, give it , and give it in a way that nothing else matters”.