
Help your business grow by creating your next online presentation with Cevian, a business virtuoso.

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Win with People

You do not always need to fight people to get your way. All you need to do is know the art of influencing people, getting your message across to them, and win with people.

It may sound tough! That’s the reason Juliana brings to you proven ways to deal with different kinds of people, face opposition with calm, and still, get the job done.

Master the art of winning with people by learning skills that will harmonize and create respectful and meaningful relationships.

*One-day workshop/topic for Individuals/Junior Team Members, Mid-Level Managers, and Senior Leaders

**Choose an area of speciality or a combination of topics:

  • 1. Sell Like a Pro – Tactics to effective and seamless closing in sales and marketing
  • 2. Lead to Win – Mastering the art of leadership and managing teams to win
  • 3. Customer Ready – The ultimate guide to win new and retain old customers
  • 4. Feel Me As I Feel You – Managing relationships through interpersonal skills and empathy
  • 5. Assertive Negotiator– Mastering the fine art of negotiation and influencing people
  • 6. I’m OK, You’re OK – A stakeholder transaction mastery and management

Art of Diplomacy in Communication

If you think the art of diplomacy is for politicians and bureaucrats, you are mistaken. It is a skill worth the mastery; it enchants and helps one to sail through easy and tough situations alike, whether in a business environment or personal life.

Understanding human nature, avoiding unnecessary conflicts, and handling any disagreement with poise and grace is essential to maintain a well-balanced life along with good relations.

With her experience and expertise, Juliana will help you become more assertive yet subtle in your dealings with people and her programs will equip you with refined ways of facing antagonizing or uncomfortable situations.

*One-day workshop/topic for Individuals, Mid-Level Managers, and Senior Leader

**Choose an area of speciality or a combination of topics:

  • 1. Average to Finesse – Elevating fine dining and business etiquette
  • 2. Interview Skills Mastery – Ace your game and win
  • 3. Effective Communication – Mastering verbal, vocal, and body language
  • 4. Speak out and stand out – Master Public Speaking
  • 5. Managing Conflict with Poise– An active listening and assertiveness approach
  • 6. The Diplomatic You – Art of Diplomacy and Emotional Intelligence in Communication

Art of Understated Influence

To be successful in today’s competitive environment, a certain amount of influence can go a long way. Infusing it with values and integrity makes it an unbeatable asset.

This session will equip you with tactics and methods necessary to have and develop understated influence and persuasion skills. You do not require aggression or power to endear and enchant others.
All you need is equip yourself with skills that win people and lead with ease. These tools will not only propel you to develop strong relationships and coalitions with people but also maintain a productive network for your goals.

Mastering the art of understated influence will make you more confident, help you make quick decisions, leverage your strengths, and even help you successfully pitch for yourself or your business.

*One-day workshop/topic for Individuals, Mid-Level Managers, and Senior Leaders

**Choose an area of speciality or a combination of topics:

  • 1. Your Image. Your Brand. – Tune in to Image Management and Personal Branding
  • 2. First Impression to Lasting Impression – Dress for success
  • 3. Presentation with Style and Ease – Mastering content layout and delivery
  • 4. Mastering Boss Moves – Art in time management, delegation and goal setting
  • 5. Art in Empowering Others– Training Needs analysis and delivery for trainers